Combination color

Combination of platinum and colored gold

Combination color, which combines two different materials to create a single ring in two different colors, allows the wearer to choose the combination of platinum and gold of his or her choice in the design, color scheme, and texture of his or her choice. Those who usually wear platinum and gold in bi-colors, or those who are concerned about their preference for base metal changing in the future, can also choose with confidence.

The color scheme itself is used in the design.

The color scheme itself is used in the design.

Use a contrasting color scheme to clearly show that two colors are used. It can also add a special and playful touch to a simple design.
Casually Fringed

Casually Fringed

The main base metal is laminated with another color of base metal from the inside, creating a subtle design on the edges. The subdued finish, which is not overly gaudy, adds color to everyday life.
Focus on the parts you can't see.

Focus on the parts you can't see.

If you don't know that, the combination of colors is almost invisible to other people. If you and your partner match, you can make it a secret obsession that only the two of you know about.
